September Update: Checking In

Hi again!

I’ve put out a couple of new things since doing my last update (back in June 2018 😱), so I figured it might be a good idea to get back to doing monthly-ish updates.

Where on Earth Were You?

That’s a big question, my friend, one with some fairly big answers to go with. The biggest of all has got to be the whole house hunt thing. Trixie and I began our house hunt in earnest back in October 2018, and we were storming down that warpath for several months until we finally closed on a house in April of this year. Don’t try to buy a house in the winter, folks.

So that was an immense personal undertaking, one which barely left time for extracurriculars (beyond my standing obligations to tabletop and Twitch streaming). The work of that hasn’t ended, either, since we got kind of a half-fixer-upper. We just finished the last of our painting two weekends ago! It’s been a super exciting time.

Also we’re engaged now!

Yeah! That was awesome. I bought Trixie a beautiful rose gold ring with a floral band (exactly suited to her personality) and proposed three days before Christmas on top of a mountain. The height of romance, if you will (oh ughh puns).

I think another part of what happened is that I fell off the wagon when it came to personal studies, so I just didn’t have much to write about (and felt kind of ashamed whenever I thought about it). I mean, I was in the process of trying to spend more money than I’ve ever spent in my life, so I did kind of want to make sure that went well. But I’m always eager to beat myself up for some reason.

SO. What’s new here? Besides the house and the fiancee?

Great question! I’ve got:

  • A hot new website, replete with beautiful minimalist design
  • 1/3rd of an edited manuscript from my NaNoWriMo project
  • A bunch of ambitious ideas for further writings
  • A voracious desire to write more

I’m not prepared to announce anything, because I’m still… you know… figuring out what exactly I’m going to do. But you can be sure it’ll involve Writing More, and I’ll give you the additional hint that I’d really like to release some fiction.

Moreover, I think it’s important for me to continue to flex my writing muscle in various ways, so I’m going to make it a goal of mine to release here more frequently. I’m talking pieces like my Prolog article, not just monthly updates. Stuff I really have to dig into in order to write about.

Hopefully that means the site will be more interesting for Ya’ll passing through! Maybe then I’ll get more people to subscribe to the mailing list 😅

Please feel free to drop me a line in the comments below! Tell me about your writing projects, or your struggles with motivation, or just call me a crazy dweeb, whatever your heart desires! I have also provided several links to places where you can harass me on my about page, so please do leverage those!

‘Til next time,
