June Update: Kind of a Formality

Again I say, hello! Welcome to another (late) monthly learning update. This one is only a few days late, which certainly means that next month’s is guaranteed to arrive on time, right? In all honestly, this update was delayed because last month’s was delayed. There seemed little point in rushing, given that there was only about half a month of May to write about by the time June rolled around. All that is super unimportant, though.

The important part is that I’m still going. I annihilated my WaniKani reviews mere days after writing the May post. That was partially out of guilt. As it turns out, I falsely reported my WaniKani level as 8 when I’m actually on level 7. Crime of the century, I know. I’m still stuck on level 7 because of various factors, but still feeling good about my reviews. That is to say, I feel my recall is generally better, even though I have been letting the reviews pile up more frequently.

On the programming front, I actually made some time this past weekend to write some code for UESRPG CG. I realized that I hadn’t developed any new features since the conversion to MVC, which was a big shame because MVC was supposed to encourage me to make more updates! I tore through some new stuff (you can see that my “Done” cards are starting to pile up on Trello!) and even got it tested, all in one weekend. I have to say, it was a slight adjustment to work in the new MVC architecture, but I feel it went pretty well. I also can’t deny that I was very satisfied to burn all of those Trello cards. I’m excited to keep going on this project, as some of the really crunchy game logic comes next!

To speak on something that’s not learning-related at all, I finally started to play Nier: Automata this month. I’m about 2.5 hours in, which means I’ve started to see some of the more horrifying events begin to unfold, and I am so psyched for more. Maybe I’ll write a little spoiler post later this month as I get further in?

There wasn’t much in the second half of May, but I’m satisfied with what little there was. I think I’ve got some good momentum going into the rest of June, and I should have some new real stuff this month. Really!

As always, thanks for reading, and feel free to sign up for the mailing list if you haven’t already!

Ta ta for now,
