May Update: A Screeching Halt

A Screeching Halt

Hi again,

It’s been far too long since I’ve written here, but there are good reasons! Rereading last month’s post, it seems I had a good deal of confidence in what I could accomplish in April. On the Japanese front, the confidence turned out to be justified. I recall pushing through my new lessons very quickly. The code front was less productive than I expected by far. Life happens, and there were a variety of factors keeping me too busy to write anything exciting.

Most of the things causing my busyness, I can’t discuss here. The biggest factor keeping me from working, however, was meant to keep me from working: Trixie and I took an awesome vacation to Houston, TX! We explored the city a lot, ate some amazing food, visited most of the tourist attractions like the Space Center and Zoo, and had an all-around blast of a time. I genuinely think we could have done a whole additional week there without coming close to running out of things to do. I’m certainly not complaining about not getting any work done 🙂

The thing I will complain about is the fact that I’m a bit of a doofus. I forgot about WaniKani’s vacation mode, which prevents new reviews from stacking up while you’re unable to study. This means that when I arrived back home, I was greeted by a mountain of reviews. Almost 400 of them! So this month has mostly been dedicated to getting back on the wagon, as it were. I’m stuck on level 8, and level 10 is where I planned to pick up my textbook again, so I’m right on the cusp of exciting times!

While I hope to do some programming this month, I doubt it will be of a nature to be shared here. Probably just more UESRPG Character Generator work. I hope to have much more to share throughout June. In the meantime, rest assured that I didn’t forget my blog exists!

Until next time,
