Getting Back to It

Hey everyone, and welcome back to the bloggo! I’ve been wanting to write for awhile now, but what with… everything… it’s been a bit tough to scrape up the motivation. This will be kind of a check-in post, and later this week I’m hoping to do some programming journaling!

So, where have you been?

Like most of you, I’ve been Inside. Before that, there was lots of anxiety about the eventuality of this lockdown, as well as feeling somewhat suffocated at work. It’s a complex state of mind to be in: the constant little trickle of scary information, carefully choreographed like some kind of pandemic disaster movie, partnered with a feeling of general panic at work because of the hundred disparate things flying every which way.

Naturally this all has left me feeling especially drained for quite a big chunk of time, so some things have fallen by the wayside. That’s okay. There’s no sense in overloading myself during an unprecedented world event.

Now that I’m past the point of going into the office, there is palpable relief. I love to work in my home office, playing Animal Crossing in the morning during what would normally be my “getting dressed/commute” time. I love that I can have lunch with Trixie on our couch every single day. Oh, not to mention the fact that my puppies love to come in and check on me every now and again! I’m gaming more, tinkering more, and gradually trying to pick up some of the hobbies I’d been neglecting. Hence, coming back here to write a bit!

What’s on the horizon?

If only we could produce a definitive answer to that broad question. For myself, I can simply speak to what I have control over, which is a very limited sphere: my household and this blog. 😅

I’m hoping to be sharing some good personal news next month, but for now I must leave it exceedingly cryptic. Aside from that, I’ve got some fun stuff planned for the blog:

  • I’ll be doing a write-up or two of my Nintendo Switch modding forays, which should begin early next week.
  • My three-year long tabletop campaign will soon be coming to a close, leaving me the freedom to do more creative writing!
  • Additionally, I’ll be overhauling my tabletop app in preparation for the next campaign.
  • We’ll be migrating the site build scripts over to Python (from bash scripts).
  • I’d like to toy with doing some mini music reviews here.

I may think of some smaller things I want to write about as we go, which is sort of how all my previous posts have gone thus far, but that’s all I’ve got planned right now. I’m not making a goal of becoming some insanely productive savant because we’re all at home 24/7, but I am certainly trying to be mindful of the activities that bring me peace in these crazy times!


This is an unprecedented event for all of us. It’s okay to feel stressed or scared about that — pretending it’s not stressful or scary will do nothing to help. A lot of people are spreading around this idea that if you don’t come out of this with your novel written, or learning a new hobby, or language or whatever, that you never had enough motivation to do those things in the first place.

I’m here to tell you that I think that’s the dumbest take, and borderline sociopathic. If you have the energy to do those things, that’s brilliant! If, instead, you find you don’t have the energy to create, that’s fine. There is so much badness to fixate on, and sometimes it’s a stunning victory simply to get through the day in spite of current events. You are not your body of work. You are a person with worries and ambitions both. Don’t let anybody shame you for how you cope with this.

I thank you for spending some of your energy reading my blog! Don’t hesitate to reach out to me, whether in a comment here or through links on my about page!

Best wishes,
